File |
IDM_NEW | 101 | Ctrl+N | New | Создать |
IDM_OPEN | 102 | Ctrl+O | Open | Открыть |
IDM_OPENSELECTED | 103 | Ctrl+Shift+O | Open Selected Filename | Открыть выделенный файл |
IDM_REVERT | 104 | Ctrl+R | Revert | Вернуться к сохраненной версии |
IDM_CLOSE | 105 | Ctrl+W, Ctrl+F4 | Close | Закрыть |
IDM_SAVE | 106 | Ctrl+S | Save | Сохранить |
IDM_SAVEAS | 110 | Ctrl+Shift+S | Save As | Сохранить как |
IDM_SAVEACOPY | 116 | Ctrl+Shift+P | Save a Copy | Сохранить копию |
IDM_COPYPATH | 118 | | Copy Path | Копировать путь к файлу |
IDM_ENCODING_DEFAULT | 150 | | Code Page Property | Code Page Property |
IDM_ENCODING_UCS2BE | 151 | | UTF-16 Big Endian | UTF-16 Обратный порядок байтов (сначала старший байт) |
IDM_ENCODING_UCS2LE | 152 | | UTF-16 Little Endian | UTF-16 Прямой порядок байтов (сначала младший байт) |
IDM_ENCODING_UTF8 | 153 | | UTF-8 with BOM | UTF-8 с заголовком |
IDM_SAVEASHTML | 111 | | Export As HTML | Экспортировать в формате HTML |
IDM_SAVEASRTF | 112 | | Export As RTF | Экспортировать в формате RTF |
IDM_SAVEASPDF | 113 | | Export As PDF | Экспортировать в формате PDF |
IDM_SAVEASTEX | 115 | | Export As LaTeX | Экспортировать в формате LaTeX |
IDM_SAVEASXML | 117 | | Export As XML | Экспортировать в формате XML |
IDM_PRINTSETUP | 130 | | Page Setup | Параметры страницы |
IDM_PRINT | 131 | Ctrl+P | Print | Печать |
IDM_LOADSESSION | 132 | | Load Session | Загрузить сессию |
IDM_SAVESESSION | 133 | | Save Session | Сохранить сессию |
IDM_FILER | 114 | | | |
IDM_QUIT | 140 | | Exit | Выход |
Edit |
IDM_UNDO | 201 | Ctrl+Z, Alt+BackSpace | Undo | Отменить |
IDM_REDO | 202 | Ctrl+Y, Alt+Shift+BackSpace | Redo | Повторить |
IDM_CUT | 203 | Ctrl+X | Cut | Вырезать |
IDM_COPY | 204 | Ctrl+C | Copy | Копировать |
IDM_PASTE | 205 | Ctrl+V | Paste | Вставить |
IDM_DUPLICATE | 250 | Ctrl+D | Duplicate | Дублировать |
IDM_CLEAR | 206 | Del | Delete | Удалить |
IDM_SELECTALL | 207 | Ctrl+A | Select All | Выделить все |
IDM_PASTEANDDOWN | 208 | | Paste and Down | Вставить и сместить курсор вниз |
IDM_COPYASRTF | 245 | | Copy as RTF | Копировать в формате RTF |
IDM_MATCHBRACE | 230 | Ctrl+E | Match Brace | Найти парную скобку |
IDM_SELECTTOBRACE | 231 | Ctrl+Shift+E | Select to Brace | Выделить до другой скобки |
IDM_SHOWCALLTIP | 232 | Ctrl+Shift+Space | Show Calltip | Показать подсказку |
IDM_COMPLETE | 233 | Ctrl+Space, Ctrl+I | Complete Symbol | Завершить символ |
IDM_COMPLETEWORD | 234 | Ctrl+Return | Complete Word | Завершить слово |
IDM_ABBREV | 242 | Ctrl+B | Expand Abbreviation | Расшифровать сокращение |
IDM_INS_ABBREV | 247 | Ctrl+Shift+R | Insert Abbreviation | Вставить сокращение |
IDM_BLOCK_COMMENT | 243 | Ctrl+Q | Block Comment or Uncomment | Закомментировать или раскомментировать текст |
IDM_BOX_COMMENT | 246 | Ctrl+Shift+B | Box Comment | Блочный комментарий |
IDM_STREAM_COMMENT | 244 | Ctrl+Shift+Q | Stream Comment | Потоковый комментарий |
IDM_UPRCASE | 240 | Ctrl+Shift+U | Make Selection Uppercase | Перевести в верхний регистр |
IDM_LWRCASE | 241 | Ctrl+U | Make Selection Lowercase | Перевести в нижний регистр |
IDM_JOIN | 248 | | Paragraph Join | Абзац Объединить |
IDM_SPLIT | 249 | | Paragraph Split | Абзац Разделить |
Search |
IDM_FIND | 210 | Ctrl+F | Find | Найти |
IDM_FINDNEXT | 211 | F3 | Find Next | Найти далее |
IDM_FINDNEXTBACK | 212 | Shift+F3 | Find Previous | Предыдущее совпадение |
IDM_FINDNEXTSEL | 213 | Ctrl+F3 | Find selection | Найти выделенное |
IDM_FINDNEXTBACKSEL | 214 | Ctrl+Shift+F3 | Find selection backwards | Найти выделенное в обратном порядке |
IDM_FINDINFILES | 215 | Ctrl+Shift+F | Find in Files | Найти в файлах |
IDM_REPLACE | 216 | Ctrl+H | Replace | Заменить |
IDM_INCSEARCH | 252 | Ctrl+Alt+I | Incremental Search | Быстрый поиск |
IDM_GOTO | 220 | Ctrl+G | Go to | Перейти |
IDM_BOOKMARK_NEXT | 221 | F2 | Next Bookmark | Следующая метка |
IDM_BOOKMARK_PREV | 223 | Shift+F2 | Previous Bookmark | Предыдущая метка |
IDM_BOOKMARK_TOGGLE | 222 | Ctrl+F2 | Toggle Bookmark | Добавить или удалить метку |
IDM_BOOKMARK_CLEARALL | 224 | | Clear All Bookmarks | Удалить все метки |
IDM_BOOKMARK_NEXT_SELECT | 225 | Alt+F2 | Select to next bookmark | Выделить до следующей метки |
IDM_BOOKMARK_PREV_SELECT | 226 | Alt+Shift+F2 | Select to previous bookmark | Выделить до предыдущей метки |
View |
IDM_EXPAND | 235 | Ctrl+KeypadMultiply | Toggle current fold | Свернуть или развернуть текущий блок текста |
IDM_TOGGLE_FOLDALL | 236 | | Toggle all folds | Свернуть или развернуть все блоки текста |
IDM_FULLSCREEN | 961 | F11 | Full Screen | Полноэкранный режим |
IDM_VIEWTOOLBAR | 408 | | Tool Bar | Панель инструментов |
IDM_VIEWTABBAR | 410 | | Tab Bar | Вкладки |
IDM_VIEWSTATUSBAR | 411 | | Status Bar | Строка состояния |
IDM_VIEWSPACE | 402 | Ctrl+Shift+8 | Whitespace | Пробелы |
IDM_VIEWEOL | 403 | Ctrl+Shift+9 | End of Line | Символы перевода строк |
IDM_VIEWGUIDES | 404 | | Indentation Guides | Направляющие отступа |
IDM_LINENUMBERMARGIN | 407 | | Line Numbers | Номера строк |
IDM_SELMARGIN | 405 | | Margin | Метки (bookmarks) |
IDM_FOLDMARGIN | 406 | | Fold Margin | Поле сворачивания блоков текста |
IDM_TOGGLEOUTPUT | 409 | F8 | Output | Окно консоли |
IDM_TOGGLEPARAMETERS | 412 | Shift+F8 | Parameters | Параметры |
IDM_PREVMATCHPPC | 260 | Ctrl+J | Find matching preprocessor conditional backwards, skipping nested ones | |
IDM_SELECTTOPREVMATCHPPC | 261 | Ctrl+Shift+J | Select to matching preprocessor conditional backwards | |
IDM_NEXTMATCHPPC | 262 | Ctrl+K | Find matching preprocessor conditional, skipping nested ones | |
IDM_SELECTTONEXTMATCHPPC | 263 | Ctrl+Shift+K | Select to matching preprocessor conditional | |
Tools |
IDM_COMPILE | 301 | Ctrl+F7 | Compile | Компилировать |
IDM_BUILD | 302 | F7 | Build | Собрать |
IDM_CLEAN | 308 | Shift+F7 | Clean | Очистить |
IDM_GO | 303 | F5 | Go | Выполнить |
IDM_STOPEXECUTE | 304 | Ctrl+Break | Stop Executing | Остановить выполнение |
IDM_TOOLS+0…49 | 9000+0…49 | Ctrl+0…9 | Run 0…49 command from menu Tools | Запуск 0…49 пункта меню Tools |
IDM_MACROLIST | 314 | Shift+F9 | List Macros | |
IDM_MACROPLAY | 313 | F9 | Run Current Macro | |
IDM_MACRORECORD | 311 | Ctrl+F9 | Record Macro | |
IDM_MACROSTOPRECORD | 312 | Ctrl+Shift+F9 | Stop Recording Macro | |
IDM_NEXTMSG | 306 | F4 | Next Message | Следующее сообщение |
IDM_PREVMSG | 307 | Shift+F4 | Previous Message | Предыдущее сообщение |
IDM_CLEAROUTPUT | 420 | Shift+F5 | Clear Output | Очистить окно консоли |
IDM_SWITCHPANE | 421 | Ctrl+F6, Ctrl+Shift+F6 | Switch Pane | Переход между редактирование/консоль |
Options |
IDM_ONTOP | 960 | | Always On Top | Поверх всех окон |
IDM_OPENFILESHERE | 413 | | Open Files Here | Открывать только одну копию программы |
IDM_SPLITVERTICAL | 401 | | Vertical Split | Консоль - сбоку |
IDM_WRAP | 414 | | Wrap | Перенос по словам |
IDM_WRAPOUTPUT | 415 | | Wrap Output | Перенос по словам в консоли |
IDM_READONLY | 416 | | Read-Only | Только для чтения |
IDM_EOL_CRLF | 430 | | CR + LF | Символы перевода строки CR + LF |
IDM_EOL_CR | 431 | | CR | Символы перевода строки CR |
IDM_EOL_LF | 432 | | LF | Символы перевода строки LF |
IDM_EOL_CONVERT | 433 | | Convert Line End Characters | Конвертировать сиволы перевода строки |
IDM_TABSIZE | 440 | Ctrl+Shift+I | Change Indentation Settings | Изменить настройки отступа |
IDM_MONOFONT | 450 | Ctrl+F11 | Use Monospaced Font | Использовать моноширинные шрифты |
IDM_OPENLOCALPROPERTIES | 460 | | Open Local Options File | Открыть файл локальных настроек |
IDM_OPENDIRECTORYPROPERTIES | 460 | | Open Directory Options File | Открыть файл настроек текущего каталога |
IDM_OPENUSERPROPERTIES | 461 | | Open User Options File | Открыть файл пользовательских настроек |
IDM_OPENGLOBALPROPERTIES | 462 | | Open Global Options File | Открыть файл глобальных настроек |
IDM_OPENABBREVPROPERTIES | 463 | | Open Abbreviations File | Открыть файл настройки сокращений |
IDM_OPENLUAEXTERNALFILE | 464 | | Open Lua Startup Script | Открыть файл автоматизации Lua |
Buffers |
IDM_BUFFER+0…9 | 1200+0…9 | Alt+1…0 | Switch to 1…10 buffer | Переключение на 1…10 буфер |
IDM_PREVFILE | 501 | Shift+F6 | Previous file | Предыдущий файл |
IDM_NEXTFILE | 502 | F6 | Next file | Следующий файл |
IDM_MOVETABLEFT | 509 | | Move Tab Left | Переместить вкладку влево |
IDM_MOVETABRIGHT | 508 | | Move Tab Right | Переместить вкладку вправо |
IDM_CLOSEALL | 503 | | Close all | Закрыть все |
IDM_SAVEALL | 504 | | Save All | Сохранить все |
IDM_PREVFILESTACK | 506 | Ctrl+Shift+Tab | Previous file | Предыдущий файл |
IDM_NEXTFILESTACK | 507 | Ctrl+Tab | Next file | Следующий файл |
Help |
IDM_HELP | 901 | F1 | Help | Справка |
IDM_HELP_SCITE | 903 | | SciTE Help | Справка по SciTE |
IDM_ABOUT | 902 | | About SciTE | О программе |
IDM_ACTIVATE | 320 | | | |
Command | Name | Explanation | Перевод |
2547 | AnnotationClearAll | | Clear the annotations from all lines | |
2101 | AutoCCancel | | Remove the auto-completion list from the screen. | |
2104 | AutoCComplete | | User has selected an item so remove the list and insert the selection. | |
2328 | BackTab | Shift+Tab | Dedent the selected lines. | Убрать отступ |
2078 | BeginUndoAction | | Start a sequence of actions that is undone and redone as a unit. May be nested. | |
2201 | CallTipCancel | | Remove the call tip from the screen. | |
4030 | CallTipClearHlt | | Delete all highlighted ranges. | |
4031 | CallTipUpdateHlt | | Update calltip window to reflect changes made by CallTipAddHlt and CallTipClearHlt. | |
2325 | Cancel | Escape | Cancel any modes such as call tip or auto-completion list display. | |
2304 | CharLeft | Left | Move caret left one character. | На символ влево |
2305 | CharLeftExtend | Shift+Left | Move caret left one character extending selection to new caret position. | Выделить символ свлева |
2428 | CharLeftRectExtend | Alt+Shift+Left | Move caret left one character, extending rectangular selection to new caret position. | Выделение прямоугольного блока |
2306 | CharRight | Right | Move caret right one character. | На символ вправо |
2307 | CharRightExtend | Shift+Right | Move caret right one character extending selection to new caret position. | Выделить символ справа |
2429 | CharRightRectExtend | Alt+Shift+Right | Move caret right one character, extending rectangular selection to new caret position. | Выделение прямоугольного блока |
2399 | ChooseCaretX | | Set the last x chosen value to be the caret x position. | |
2180 | Clear | Delete | Clear the selection. | |
2004 | ClearAll | | Delete all text in the document. | |
2072 | ClearAllCmdKeys | | Drop all key mappings. | |
2005 | ClearDocumentStyle | | Set all style bytes to 0, remove all folding information. | |
2408 | ClearRegisteredImages | | Clear all the registered XPM images. | |
2571 | ClearSelections | | Clear selections to a single empty stream selection | |
2178 | Copy | Ctrl+C, Ctrl+Insert | Copy the selection to the clipboard. | Копировать |
2519 | CopyAllowLine | | Copy the selection, if selection empty copy the line with the caret | Копирует выделенный текст и если выбор пустой, копирует симовол перевода строки |
2177 | Cut | Ctrl+X, Shift+Delete | Cut the selection to the clipboard. | Вырезать |
2395 | DelLineLeft | Ctrl+Shift+BackSpace | Delete back from the current position to the start of the line. | Удалить строку слева от курсора |
2396 | DelLineRight | Ctrl+Shift+Delete | Delete forwards from the current position to the end of the line. | Удалить строку справа от курсора |
2335 | DelWordLeft | Ctrl+BackSpace | Delete the word to the left of the caret. | Удалить слово слева от курсора |
2336 | DelWordRight | Ctrl+Delete | Delete the word to the right of the caret. | Удалить слово справа от курсора |
2518 | DelWordRightEnd | | Delete the word to the right of the caret, but not the trailing non-word characters. | Удаляет слово справа от курсора, но не включая прилегающие пробельные символы. |
2326 | DeleteBack | BackSpace, Shift+BackSpace | Delete the selection or if no selection, the character before the caret. | |
2344 | DeleteBackNotLine | | Delete the selection or if no selection, the character before the caret. Will not delete the character before at the start of a line. | |
2318 | DocumentEnd | Ctrl+End | Move caret to last position in document. | Переход к концу документа |
2319 | DocumentEndExtend | Ctrl+Shift+End | Move caret to last position in document extending selection to new caret position. | Выделить фрагмент от курсора до конца документа |
2316 | DocumentStart | Ctrl+Home | Move caret to first position in document. | Переход к началу документа |
2317 | DocumentStartExtend | Ctrl+Shift+Home | Move caret to first position in document extending selection to new caret position. | Выделить фрагмент от курсора до начала документа |
2324 | EditToggleOvertype | Insert | Switch from insert to overtype mode or the reverse. | |
2175 | EmptyUndoBuffer | | Delete the undo history. | |
2079 | EndUndoAction | | End a sequence of actions that is undone and redone as a unit. | |
2642 | FindIndicatorHide | | On OS X, hide the find indicator. | |
2330 | FormFeed | | Insert a Form Feed character. | |
4023 | FreeSubStyles | | Free allocated sub styles. | |
2400 | GrabFocus | | Set the focus to this Scintilla widget. | |
2312 | Home | | Move caret to first position on line. | |
2345 | HomeDisplay | Alt+Home | Move caret to first position on display line. | Переход к началу строки |
2346 | HomeDisplayExtend | | Move caret to first position on display line extending selection to new caret position. | |
2313 | HomeExtend | | Move caret to first position on line extending selection to new caret position. | |
2430 | HomeRectExtend | | Move caret to first position on line, extending rectangular selection to new caret position. | |
2349 | HomeWrap | | These are like their namesakes Home(Extend)?, LineEnd(Extend)?, VCHome(Extend)? except they behave differently when word-wrap is enabled: They go first to the start / end of the display line, like (Home|LineEnd)Display The difference is that, the cursor is already at the point, it goes on to the start or end of the document line, as appropriate for (Home|LineEnd|VCHome)(Extend)?. | |
2450 | HomeWrapExtend | | These are like their namesakes Home(Extend)?, LineEnd(Extend)?, VCHome(Extend)? except they behave differently when word-wrap is enabled: They go first to the start / end of the display line, like (Home|LineEnd)Display The difference is that, the cursor is already at the point, it goes on to the start or end of the document line, as appropriate for (Home|LineEnd|VCHome)(Extend)?. | |
2455 | LineCopy | Ctrl+Shift+T | Copy the line containing the caret. | Скопировать строку |
2337 | LineCut | Ctrl+L | Cut the line containing the caret. | Вырезать строку |
2338 | LineDelete | Ctrl+Shift+L | Delete the line containing the caret. | Удалить строку |
2300 | LineDown | Down | Move caret down one line. | Строка вниз |
2301 | LineDownExtend | Shift+Down | Move caret down one line extending selection to new caret position. | Выделить поток на строку вниз |
2426 | LineDownRectExtend | Alt+Shift+Down | Move caret down one line, extending rectangular selection to new caret position. | Выделение прямоугольного блока |
2404 | LineDuplicate | | Duplicate the current line. | |
2314 | LineEnd | End | Move caret to last position on line. | Переход к концу строки |
2347 | LineEndDisplay | Alt+End | Move caret to last position on display line. | Переход к концу строки |
2348 | LineEndDisplayExtend | | Move caret to last position on display line extending selection to new caret position. | |
2315 | LineEndExtend | Shift+End | Move caret to last position on line extending selection to new caret position. | Выделить до конца строки |
2432 | LineEndRectExtend | Alt+Shift+End | Move caret to last position on line, extending rectangular selection to new caret position. | Выделить фрагмент текста до конца строки |
2451 | LineEndWrap | | These are like their namesakes Home(Extend)?, LineEnd(Extend)?, VCHome(Extend)? except they behave differently when word-wrap is enabled: They go first to the start / end of the display line, like (Home|LineEnd)Display The difference is that, the cursor is already at the point, it goes on to the start or end of the document line, as appropriate for (Home|LineEnd|VCHome)(Extend)?. | |
2452 | LineEndWrapExtend | | These are like their namesakes Home(Extend)?, LineEnd(Extend)?, VCHome(Extend)? except they behave differently when word-wrap is enabled: They go first to the start / end of the display line, like (Home|LineEnd)Display The difference is that, the cursor is already at the point, it goes on to the start or end of the document line, as appropriate for (Home|LineEnd|VCHome)(Extend)?. | |
2342 | LineScrollDown | Ctrl+Down | Scroll the document down, keeping the caret visible. | Прокрутка вниз |
2343 | LineScrollUp | Ctrl+Up | Scroll the document up, keeping the caret visible. | Прокрутка вверх |
2339 | LineTranspose | Ctrl+T | Switch the current line with the previous. | Поменять местами строки |
2302 | LineUp | Up | Move caret up one line. | Строка вверх |
2303 | LineUpExtend | Shift+Up | Move caret up one line extending selection to new caret position. | Выделить поток на строку вверх |
2427 | LineUpRectExtend | Alt+Shift+Up | Move caret up one line, extending rectangular selection to new caret position. | Выделение прямоугольного блока |
2288 | LinesJoin | | Join the lines in the target. | |
2340 | LowerCase | Ctrl+U | Transform the selection to lower case. | Перевести в нижний регистр |
2536 | MarginTextClearAll | | Clear the margin text on all lines | |
2401 | MoveCaretInsideView | | Move the caret inside current view if it's not there already. | |
2621 | MoveSelectedLinesDown | | Move the selected lines down one line, shifting the line below before the selection | |
2620 | MoveSelectedLinesUp | | Move the selected lines up one line, shifting the line above after the selection | |
2329 | NewLine | Return, Shift+Return | Insert a new line, may use a CRLF, CR or LF depending on EOL mode. | |
2172 | Null | | Null operation. | |
2322 | PageDown | PageDown | Move caret one page down. | |
2323 | PageDownExtend | Shift+PageDown | Move caret one page down extending selection to new caret position. | |
2434 | PageDownRectExtend | Alt+Shift+PageDown | Move caret one page down, extending rectangular selection to new caret position. | |
2320 | PageUp | PageUp | Move caret one page up. | |
2321 | PageUpExtend | Shift+PageUp | Move caret one page up extending selection to new caret position. | |
2433 | PageUpRectExtend | Alt+Shift+PageUp | Move caret one page up, extending rectangular selection to new caret position. | |
2413 | ParaDown | Ctrl+] | Move caret between paragraphs (delimited by empty lines). | Следующий параграф |
2414 | ParaDownExtend | Ctrl+Shift+] | Move caret between paragraphs (delimited by empty lines). | Выделить следующий параграф |
2415 | ParaUp | Ctrl+[ | Move caret between paragraphs (delimited by empty lines). | Предыдущий параграф |
2416 | ParaUpExtend | Ctrl+Shift+[ | Move caret between paragraphs (delimited by empty lines). | Выделить предыдущий параграф |
2179 | Paste | Ctrl+V, Shift+Insert | Paste the contents of the clipboard into the document replacing the selection. | Вставить |
2011 | Redo | Ctrl+Y | Redoes the next action on the undo history. | Повторить |
2552 | ReleaseAllExtendedStyles | | Release all extended (>255) style numbers. | |
2606 | RotateSelection | | Set the main selection to the next selection. | |
2169 | ScrollCaret | | Ensure the caret is visible. | |
2629 | ScrollToEnd | | Scroll to end of document. | |
2628 | ScrollToStart | | Scroll to start of document. | |
2366 | SearchAnchor | | Sets the current caret position to be the search anchor. | |
2013 | SelectAll | Ctrl+A | Select all the text in the document. | Выделить все |
2469 | SelectionDuplicate | Ctrl+D | Duplicate the selection. If selection empty duplicate the line containing the caret. | Дубликат строки |
2444 | SetCharsDefault | | Reset the set of characters for whitespace and word characters to the defaults. | |
2014 | SetSavePoint | | Remember the current position in the undo history as the position at which the document was saved. | |
3001 | StartRecord | | Start notifying the container of all key presses and commands. | |
3002 | StopRecord | | Stop notifying the container of all key presses and commands. | |
2437 | StutteredPageDown | | Move caret to bottom of page, or one page down if already at bottom of page. | |
2438 | StutteredPageDownExtend | | Move caret to bottom of page, or one page down if already at bottom of page, extending selection to new caret position. | |
2435 | StutteredPageUp | | Move caret to top of page, or one page up if already at top of page. | |
2436 | StutteredPageUpExtend | | Move caret to top of page, or one page up if already at top of page, extending selection to new caret position. | |
2050 | StyleClearAll | | Clear all the styles and make equivalent to the global default style | |
2058 | StyleResetDefault | | Reset the default style to its state at startup | |
2607 | SwapMainAnchorCaret | | Swap that caret and anchor of the main selection. | |
2327 | Tab | Tab | If selection is empty or all on one line replace the selection with a tab character. If more than one line selected, indent the lines. | Добавить отступ |
2287 | TargetFromSelection | | Make the target range start and end be the same as the selection range start and end. | |
2459 | ToggleCaretSticky | | Switch between sticky and non-sticky: meant to be bound to a key. | |
2176 | Undo | Ctrl+Z, Alt+BackSpace | Undo one action in the undo history. | Отменить |
2341 | UpperCase | Ctrl+Shift+U | Transform the selection to upper case. | Перевести в верхний регистр |
2331 | VCHome | Home | Move caret to before first visible character on line. If already there move to first character on line. | Перейти в начало строки |
2652 | VCHomeDisplay | | Move caret to before first visible character on display line. If already there move to first character on display line. | |
2653 | VCHomeDisplayExtend | | Like VCHomeDisplay but extending selection to new caret position. | |
2332 | VCHomeExtend | Shift+Home | Like VCHome but extending selection to new caret position. | Выделить до начала строки |
2431 | VCHomeRectExtend | Alt+Shift+Home | Move caret to before first visible character on line. If already there move to first character on line. In either case, extend rectangular selection to new caret position. | Выделить фрагмент текста до начала строки |
2453 | VCHomeWrap | | These are like their namesakes Home(Extend)?, LineEnd(Extend)?, VCHome(Extend)? except they behave differently when word-wrap is enabled: They go first to the start / end of the display line, like (Home|LineEnd)Display The difference is that, the cursor is already at the point, it goes on to the start or end of the document line, as appropriate for (Home|LineEnd|VCHome)(Extend)?. | |
2454 | VCHomeWrapExtend | | These are like their namesakes Home(Extend)?, LineEnd(Extend)?, VCHome(Extend)? except they behave differently when word-wrap is enabled: They go first to the start / end of the display line, like (Home|LineEnd)Display The difference is that, the cursor is already at the point, it goes on to the start or end of the document line, as appropriate for (Home|LineEnd|VCHome)(Extend)?. | |
2619 | VerticalCentreCaret | | Centre current line in window. | |
2308 | WordLeft | Ctrl+Left | Move caret left one word. | Предыдущее слово |
2439 | WordLeftEnd | | Move caret left one word, position cursor at end of word. | |
2440 | WordLeftEndExtend | | Move caret left one word, position cursor at end of word, extending selection to new caret position. | |
2309 | WordLeftExtend | Ctrl+Shift+Left | Move caret left one word extending selection to new caret position. | Выделить предыдущее слово |
2390 | WordPartLeft | Ctrl+/ | Move to the previous change in capitalisation. | Предыдущая часть слова |
2391 | WordPartLeftExtend | Ctrl+Shift+/ | Move to the previous change in capitalisation extending selection to new caret position. | Выделить предыдущую часть слова |
2392 | WordPartRight | Ctrl+\ | Move to the change next in capitalisation. | Следующая часть слова |
2393 | WordPartRightExtend | Ctrl+Shift+\ | Move to the next change in capitalisation extending selection to new caret position. | Выделить следующую часть слова |
2310 | WordRight | Ctrl+Right | Move caret right one word. | Следущее слово |
2441 | WordRightEnd | | Move caret right one word, position cursor at end of word. | |
2442 | WordRightEndExtend | | Move caret right one word, position cursor at end of word, extending selection to new caret position. | |
2311 | WordRightExtend | Ctrl+Shift+Right | Move caret right one word extending selection to new caret position. | Выделить следущее слово |
2373 | Zoom | Ctrl+KeypadDivide | Restore text size to normal | Восстановить размер текста по умолчанию |
2333 | ZoomIn | Ctrl+KeypadPlus | Magnify the displayed text by increasing the sizes by 1 point. | Увеличить размер текста |
2334 | ZoomOut | Ctrl+KeypadMinus | Make the displayed text smaller by decreasing the sizes by 1 point. | Уменьшить размер текста |